
The St. Teresa's Community contributes through the Annual Grounds Clean-up Day and Akron Community Mulch pickup

Tony and MaryJo Schumacher manage teams of volunteers who adopt-a-section of the grounds

Adoptee's pull weeds, clean up garbage, and in general maintain the landscaping of their selected area.

There are still a few sections available for adoption please reach out to Tony, MaryJo, or the parish office to find out if a landscaping of adoption is right for you.

Thank you,

to those who currently maintain an "adopted section of our grounds

Amy Bergman

Jean Bacon

Lori Reisdorf

Suzanne Sweitzer

May Lou and Gabby Flumberfeldt

Wendy Bergman

Jean Delt

The Ginestry Family

Sue Brown

Jimmy Richardson

Jan Gad

Carmen Laurie

Maureen (Mo) Seeford

Ann Sawyer