We are excited to share our updated, Faith Formation Program with all those who are in our faith community. Through this different approach to learning, your family will grow stronger together as a domestic Church. 

Ø  In person classes will be scheduled twice a month on Sundays from 10:15am – 11:30am.  See below for program options.

Ø  Online access to lessons will be provided for missed classes to complete together at home.

Ø  Liturgical activities for families will be planned throughout the Liturgical Year.


      Kindergarten – Students entering Kindergarten in September 2024 are welcome to join in on the fun that includes learning our faith, playing games, and making arts & crafts.

      Grades 1 – 5 - We look forward to working with you and your family as we start something exciting to benefit the whole family.  Interactive lessons for the children in this grade level along with an adult, will be held in the Parish Hall.

      Grades 6 – 8 – Catechists will guide students in this grade level through the Connect book series from the publisher, St. Mary’s Press. This is a unique 3-year interactive program that includes all the core teachings of our faith to this group of young people.  The outcome will teach the students how to connect learning with their everyday life. 

      Grades 9 & 10 - This is a two-year course utilizing CHOSEN: Your Journey to Confirmation by Ascension Press.  This Teen Faith Formation program, guided by Catechists, will help support our youth journey towards the Sacrament of Confirmation.  There will be resources for Parent’s to help support your young adult on their faith journey. 

 ★        Previously Confirmed Students would be ideal to volunteer as Formation class assistants.  These are opportunities that will provide leadership and community experience.  Those needing high school volunteer hours, Honor Society hours or just wish to be active members of our faith community are welcome.  If you are interested in helping, please contact us at the Formation office.  Please note that anyone 18 years of age or older must receive Virtus training.

St. Teresa of Avila, Akron, NY

Family Faith Formation

5775 Buell St

716-542-9103 Ext. 2

Director: Mrs. Margie Wood
