Rosary for Life

Every Saturday after the 9am Mass we gather outside in front of Mary (whenever the Buffalo weather makes it possible) This ministry began under the pastorate of Fr. David Baker and has grown since
We pray the joyful mysteries with prayerful adjustments for the intentions of protection of the unborn and those who face challenges associated with the culture of death
Please join us, whenever possible, in person or in spirit in following the instruction of our spiritual mother, by praying through her intercession for the protection of life in all its stages. The prayers we use are linked above.
Let us pray...
Pro Life Group

We are the active result of the Women's guild's respect life committee. We aim to support people born and unborn who may be facing abortion or the consequences of abortion.
Check out our ministry board to find out more about what our ministry is doing now. (Its the blue board with 10wk gestational footprints, between the stairs and the new restroom in the Narthex)
Annually we support many of the diocesan and local charitable organizations who support life.
Bottle collection for St. Gianna Molla Centers - 2024 Collection yielded $1341.50 - Thank you to all St. Teresa's parishioners who gave to this wonderful cause
40 days to Life
Life Chain first Saturday of October
playpen collection for St Gianna Molla Centers